Monday, May 31, 2010

Israel Attacks Gaza Aid Fleet

Today's aid-carrying envoy for people in the Gaza Strip and the Israeli military clash proves, once again, the eternal truth of realism in International Relation's theory: power and security rule.
The Israeli military symbolizes power and security, and the humanitarian fleet international law.
Newspapers stated the Israeli army has, again, "violated international law" by attacking innocent civilians on a humanitarian mission.
While true, the notion of International Law remains a theorectical perspective, as nations continue to act according to self-interest, committing actions that violate notions of international law.
Given Israel's history of hostility, the aid envoy could be considered an act of provocation, as it was set to enter Israeli waters.
Although the humanitarians were perfectly in their jurisdiction to bring aid to the people of Gaza.
What was to be expected? Cries of joy and welcome from the Israeli MILITARY?

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